20010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15
 Actual  HEADING  Budget Budget Budget Budget
 £'000  £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
HRA Income
(91,680) Base Budget - previous year (90,655) (90,649) (81,557) (86,053)
Inflation (3,240) (4,312) (4,495) (4,750)
HRA Expenditure
     91,872 Base Budget - previous year 90,328 90,984 82,410 86,472
Inflation 1,184 4,106 4,315 4,565
          192 Initial Base HRA Budget (2,383) 130 673 234
Committed Growth 
  Buildings for the Future 0 60 60 60
         192 (2,383) 190 733 294
Approved Savings & Other Adjustments to Base Budget
Reduced Income arising from Ocean/Blackwall regeneration schemes 689 4,237
Reduced costs arising from Ocean/Blackwall regeneration schemes (606) (3,777)
Transition to Self Financing - Loss of Subsidy 2,014 12,114
Transition to Self Financing - reduced interest 298 (11,954)
Reduced Interest on Balances 100
Adjust shop rents budget - transfer to Ocean estate 400
Reduction in Estate Parking income 545
Impact of reducing cost base on leaseholder service charges 790 500
Subsidy Adjustment in respect of Decent Homes Funding (503)
Reductions in the THH Management Fee (3,030)
Loss of Fee income on Capital Projects 1,500
Reduction in ICT recharge to the HRA/Security Costs Ocean Estate  (50) 57
Adjustment to net Water and NNDR budgets 670
Miscellaneous fee income due  (310)
Adjustment to concierge and estate parking contract prices 54
Increased Dwelling Depreciation  111
Increased Debt Management Costs 10
Reduced Non Dwelling Depreciation  (283)
Reduction in Premiums & Discounts (47) 0 (254) (103)
Adjustment to Debt Management Expenses (177)
Adjustment to Item 8 interest arising from DH Funding 544
Adjustment to Debt Management Expenses - DH Funding 5
Contribution from Major Repairs Reserve (335) (335) (335) (335)
Other adjustments 71 145 (589) (438)
Savings Required to maintain a Balanced  Budget 0 (578) (144) (316)
192 Balanced Budget 0 (0) (0) (0)
HRA Balances
(12,978) Balances at beginning of year (12,786) (12,786) (12,786) (12,786)
(12,786) Balances at end of year (12,786) (12,786) (12,786) (12,786)
2012/13 Assumptions
Assumes a rent increase of 6%, services charges and other income by 4% 
Assumes 5% increase on all other expenditure
Assumes no additional borrowing in 2012/13 other than for Decent Homes
Assumes no repayment of debt and a CRI of 4.95%
2013/14 Assumptions
Assumes a rent increase of 6%, services charges and other income by 4% 
Assumes 5% increase on all other expenditure
Assumes no additional borrowing in 2013/14 and Decent Homes funded by grant
Assumes no repayment of debt and a CRI of 4.95%
Premiums and Discounts written down in accordance with proper practice
No increase in the level of voids on Blackwall estate
2014/15 Assumptions
Assumes a rent increase of 6%, services charges and other income by 4% 
Assumes 5% increase on all other expenditure
Assumes no additional borrowing in 2014/15 and Decent Homes funded by grant
Assumes no repayment of debt and a CRI of 4.95%
Premiums and Discounts written down in accordance with proper practice
Loss of 706 properties in respect of the Blackwall and other Estates